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دکتر سیدنی فیلیپس (MD) دانشیار روان­پزشکی بالینی در دانشکده پزشکی دانشگاه ییل، استاد روانکاوی و رییس کمیتهٔ­ آموزش انستیتو روانکاوی وسترن‌نیوانگلند است. وی در نیوهیون آمریکا به کار بالینی خصوصی، روان­پزشکی و روان­‌درمانی مشغول است. او فارغ‌التحصیل کالج پزشکی بیلور است.

­ علاقۀ پژوهشی دکتر فیلیپس هم­جنس‌­گرایی در مردان است و مقالات وی در این زمینه برندهٔ­ جوایز متعددی شده‌­اند. او مقالات متعددی را در مجلات معتبر روانکاوی چون as Psychoanalytic Quarterly, Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association به چاپ رسانده‌­است.

کتب، مقالات، سخنرانی‌­ها و مصاحبه‌­ها:

Sledge, William H., Benarroche, Cesar L, and Phillips, Sidney H. (1988).  Adolescent Elopement from a Psychiatric Hospital:  Multiple Dimensions.  The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 176: 562-567.

Phillips, Sidney H.  (1991).  Trauma and War: A Fragment of an Analysis with a Vietnam Veteran.  The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child 46:147-180.  (Translated into French and published in The French Psychoanalytic Review.  Translated into Spanish and published in the North American Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychoanalysis, Buenos Aires, Argentina).

Phillips, Sidney H.  (1998).  A New Analytic Dyad:  Homosexual Analyst, Heterosexual Patient.  Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 46:1195-1219.  (Translated into Italian and published in Homosexuality in Psychoanalysis published by Piccola Biblioteca Einaudi in May 2000).

Phillips, S.H. (2001).  The Overstimulation of Everyday Life: I. New Aspects of Male Homosexuality.  Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 49(4): 1235-1267.

Phillips, S.H. (2002).  The Overstimulation of Everyday Life: II. Male Homosexuality, Countertransference, and Psychoanalytic Treatment.  The Annual of Psychoanalysis 30: 131-145.

Phillips, S.H. (2003).  Homosexuality:  Coming Out of the Confusion.  International Journal of Psychoanalysis 85(2): 523-524.

Phillips, S.H. (2004).  Reply to Drs. Friedman and Downey (Letter). International Journal of Psychoanalysis 85(2): 523-524.

Phillips, S.H. (2006). Paul Gray’s Narrowing Scope: A “Developmental Lag” in his Theory and Technique.  Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 54(1): 137-170.

Phillips, S.H. (2012). Reclaiming Our Primitive Mind. In Gele, K., McNamara, S., Phillips, S.H., Shelby, R.D., Grossman, G., Vaughan, S.C., Roughton, R. (2012).  Emerging Views on Gender and Sexuality: Celebrating Twenty Years of New Perspectives on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Trans People. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 60: 949-967.

Phillips, S.H. (2014). Sexual Aberration or Instinctual Vicissitude? Revisiting Freud’s “The Sexual Aberrations”. Psychoanalytic Quarterly 83:315-325.

Phillips, S.H. (1993).  Not a Whole.  A Review of Two Halves of New Haven – a novelThe American Book Review, October-November issue.

Phillips, S.H. (2005).  Reviews of Interpretation and Insight and Bad Feelings by Roy Schafer.  Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 53(1): 271-279.

Phillips, S.H. (2013). Review of Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Man: Psychoanalysis and Masculinity by Donald Moss London/New York: Routledge, 2012. 150 pp.  Psychoanalytic Quarterly 82:748-759.

Phillips, S.H. (2017). Book Review Essay: A Comparative Look at Intersubjective and Object Relational Approaches to Clinical Material: The Search for a Relational Home: An Intersubjective View of Therapeutic Action. By Chris Jaenicke. London/New York: Routledge, 2015. 100 pp. Psychoanalytic Quarterly 86(2):429-449.

Phillips, S.H., Richardson, J., Vaughan, S. (2005) Chapter 35: Sexual Orientation.  In Oxford Textbook of Psychotherapy, eds. Gabbard, Glen O., Beck, Judith S., Holmes, Jeremy, Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.

